Recent Articles See below


All Power to Landscape

Why is the Mayor standing in a field screaming ‘TOLGARRICK! HINTERLAND!’? With all this walking around, and with a summer remarkably free of pollutants...


Langarth Development

27th March 2020 Dear Langarthians, I am writing from two perspective – Firstly, as the elected member for Boscawen Division, Truro, which embraces most...


Planning Issues Oct 2019

Higher Newham Farm No doubt what the two key issues are this month! Higher Newham Farm has returned to the agenda. The applicant persists...


Stranger Things

Recently, strange objects reminiscent of mystical obelisks from 2001 Space Odyssey have appeared in various places around the Truro town centre. Sadly, these are...



An ‘Ideas Exchange’ of short talks exploring the present and future for Truro presented by Truro Civic Society, in partnership with Truro City Council,...